Две песни, которые съели мне моск

Будь у меня хоть какой-нибудь визуальный материал - я бы обязательно сделала по клипу на каждую, руки так и чешутся... кадры прямо перед глазами стоят

По перепелкам и по троице вампирской. Рррррррь...
По перепелкам - на 30 Seconds To Mars "A Beautiful Lie":
(у меня в голове оно пост-игровое, хотя на игровые события тоже ложится просто идеально)текстLie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game
It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful lie makes me
It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much the same
'Cause this is just a game
Everyone's looking at me
I'm running 'round in circles
Plagued with a quiet desperation's building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game
[Chorus]А про троицу - на Within Temptation "Say My Name":
(мастер в янтаре, и этим все сказано)текстSay my name
So I will know you're back you're here again
For a while
Oh let us share
The memories that only we can share
Tell me about
The days before I was born
How we were as children
You touch my hand
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again
We breath the air
Do you remember how you used to touch my hair?
You're not aware
Your hands keep still
You just don't know that I am here
It hurts too much
I pray now that soon you're released
To where you belong
You touch my hand
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again
Please say my name
Remember who I am
You will find me in the world of yesterday
You drift away again
Too far from where I am
When you ask me who I am
Say my name
These colors come alive
In your heart and in your mind
I cross the borders of time
Leaving today behind to be with you again
Say my name
Обе подходят так, что аж мурашки по коже.
Креативная неудовлетворенность у меня, вот.
Мысли вслух,
Жалобы турка