Ну, и раз уж зашла речь о латыни...
Надписи, найденные на обломках городских стен Помпеи. Чудо что такое

Suspirium puellarum Celadus thraex.
Celadus the Thracier makes the girls moan!
(C.I.L. IV, 4397; in the barracks of the gladiators)Arphocras hic cum Drauca bene futuit denario.
Here Harpocras has had a good fuck with Drauca for a denarius.
(C.I.L. IV, 2193; in the brothel)Lucius pinxit.
Lucius painted this.
читать дальшеVirgula Tertio suo: indecens es.
Virgula to her Tertius: you are one horny lad!
Miximus in lecto. Fateor, peccavimus, hospes.
Si dices: Quare? Nulla fuit matella.
We have pissed in our beds. Host, I admit that we shouldn't have done this.
If you ask: Why? There was no potty.
Pituita me tenet.
I've caught a cold.
Myrtis bene felas.
Myrtis, you do great blowjobs.
Pecunia non olet.
Money doesn't stink.
amantes ut apes vitam mellitam exigunt. -vellem.
Lovers, like bees, live a honeyed life. - I wish!
Gaium Iulium Polybium aedilem viis aedibus sacris publicis procurandis.
(Vote for) Gaius Iulius Polybius as aedile for supervising roads, sacred temples and public works.
Ну и дальше:
Aufidius was here.
Gaius Pumidius Dipilus was here on October 3.
Publius Comicius Restitus stood here with his brother.
Burglar, watch out!
This is no place for idlers. On your way, loafer.
Ampliatus Pedania is a thief.
Albanus is a bugger.
Stronnius is a know-nothing.
I don't want to sell my husband.
Gaius Julius Primigenius was here. Why are you late?
Let anyone who invites me to dinner prosper.
I have a head cold.
On April 19 I baked bread.
We were here, two dear friends, comrades forever. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.
Epaphra is not a ball-player.
Learn this well: while I am alive, you are my enemy, Death.
Sarra, you're not acting very nicely, leaving me all alone.
Restitutus has deceived many girls many times.
When I came here, I had sex. Then I returned home.
Let him who chastises lovers try to fetter the winds and block the endless flow of water from a spring.
Appollinaris, physician of the Emperor Titus, had a good shit here.
May I always and everywhere be as potent with women as I was here!
Market days: Saturday in Pompeii, Sunday in Nuceria, Monday in Atella, Tuesday in Nola, Wednesday in Cumae, Thursday in Puteoli, Friday in Rome.
I wonder, O wall, that you have not fallen in ruins from supporting the stupidities of so many scribblers.(с)
Сплошное o tempora! O mores!