Ой! Только сейчас обнаружила, что я же еще не выкладывала фанфег!
То есть я, конечно, понимаю, по вингу уже читают мало, а тут еще и на английском... но несу все равно. Для потомков!

С названием напряг, кроме очевидного, ничего в голову не лезет, но очевидное банально до скрежета зубовного
Hints on 1x2, 3x4, Rx?; humour with a bit of romance; R for language and sexual references; the characters don't belong to me and good for them.
Betaed by Sekari Sumeragi, whom I couldn't thank more.
Warning: it's silly ))

It all started one fine day, or rather evening, with a thing as innocent as they come: the celebration of Relena's birthday. Well... considering it was a private party and there was a lot of alcohol, it probably wasn't the most innocent thing in the world, but still.
Until we all got so drunk that agreed to...
No. I'm telling it all wrong. It all started very decent, with the royal reception and high guests, wordy speeches and a ball which lasted until night fell, and then everybody was leaving, with Relena seeing them out.
Finally it was just the five of us left in the large brightly lit hall. Relena joined us soon, looking energetic and with a suspicious glint in her eyes.
"Now," she said, "Since the boring part is over, I want to have fun!"
"Yay!" Duo yelled immediately. "Where's the booze?!"