Выберите группу/исполнителя и отвечайте только словами песен этой группы:


Ваш пол:

Doesn't matter that man has no wings

As long as I hear the nightingale sing

Опишите себя:

Just a child without a fairytale am I

Опишите отношение к вашему бывшему парню/девушке:

A hitcher on a road alone and lost

Iron sharpens iron - a truth that once was

Опишите отношение к вашему теперешнему парню/девушке:

Without you

The poetry within me is dead

Опишите ваших друзей:

Simply the best way to walk this life

Hand in hand with the dreamers' minds

Опишите ваших врагов:

All those porcelain models

If only I could make them fall

Опишите, где вы хотите быть:

The way to kingdom I adore

Where the warrior's heart is pure

Where the stories will come true

Опишите любовь:

The place between sleep and awake

End of innocence

Любимое число:

Enchantment has but one truth:

I weep to have what I fear to lose

Любимый цвет:

I'm holding very tight

I'm riding in the midnight blue

I'm finding I can fly so high above with you


I only wished

To become something beautiful


Sing what you can't say

Forget what you can't play